Encouragement; Feedback : YAHVAH YAHWEH
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Encouragement; Feedback

by TsephanYah Eber on 07/14/16

Be encouraged in YaHVaH.  Preparing for Millenium New Jerusalem.  Our Savior is waiting to call His bride home.  We have dress rehearsals three times per year at Pesach, Shavout and Sukkot and Shemini Atzeret. Not sure where we will meet late this summer for Sukkot, Last Great Day, probably same as last year with a dedicated, serious loving group in the Pacific Northwest of North America.
By the way, if there seems to be a serious mistake please share it with me by Email. We cannot change everything because of one person's opinions or something he found on the Internet necessarily.  We will consider and perhaps share with others the issue if we cannot find a solution.  You got to ignore the little petty things we find.  We want to encourage all to obedience.
         If there is a presentation, message or text you really like, please express that to us here on the website. 
I think there is a problem at the bottom, in copying the password which is Italics, calligraphy, or sideways letters.  I will contact the server.  If you have the same problem we do, and you want to post a blog, but have difficulty, Email to TsephanYaH@YaHVaHYahweh.Name or post the message in our Guestbook page.  It is listed on many webpages.
Shalom, your fellow brother in the Word, TsephanYah, Keep the faith, brother or sister.

Comments (1)

1. Paul Oscar said on 5/14/19 - 10:46AM
Love your website about the New Moons, MEDIA is the most important. I was your teacher in 1963.

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